Whitman County Jail - Inmate Listing Website This is not conviction data! This is merely information about arrests and detentions in jail. Just because a person is arrested and held in jail does not mean he has committed or has been convicted of committing the crime(s) listed on this page. The information on this Website is public data per RCW 70.48.100 and is updated approximately every 10 minutes. Every effort is made to ensure this information is up-to-date and accurate. You may see someone listed more than one time. You will notice they have different booking numbers. Sometimes people have two different causes happening at the same time and therefore may be listed on this site more than once. Sort list by: Inmate's Name  | Booking Date  | Release Date  | Age at Arrest  | Pre-sentence Class ANDERSON, LEVI AUGUST (20 years old) -- Inmate Number: 359013Booking Number:24J2223Booked Date/Time:10/31/2024 6:35:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) WHITMAN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FTA OBSTR LAW ENFORCMENT OFCR; FTA ASSAULT 4TH DEGREE (Warrant Number: P00231240) (WARRANT)2) WHITMAN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT NEG DRIVING 1ST DEGREE (Warrant Number: 3A0298800) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$10,000.00 Bond or $1,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:SMGoodtime Release Date:1/29/2025 5:15:00 PMAYALA, FRANCISCO MONTALBO (46 years old) -- Inmate Number: 530095Booking Number:24J2559Booked Date/Time:12/17/2024 9:43:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDBECK, DESMOND ERNEST (31 years old) -- Inmate Number: 277748Booking Number:25J0069Booked Date/Time:1/14/2025 1:16:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) WCDC NO VALID OPER LIC W/OUT ID (Warrant Number: 4A0119896) (WARRANT)2) WCDC CONTR SUB KNOW POSSESS (Warrant Number: 4A0119897) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$5,000.00 Bond or $500.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:UMBECK, DESMOND ERNEST (31 years old) -- Inmate Number: 277748Booking Number:25J0071Booked Date/Time:1/14/2025 4:45:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) ACDC USE/DELIVERY OF DRUG PARA (WARRANT NUMBER: 4A0837707) (OUT CO WARRANT)2) ACDC THEFT 3 (WARRANT NUMBER: 9Z1146497) (OUT CO WARRANT)Bond Information:$5,000.00 Bond or $5,000.00 Cash (Other Court)Sentence Class:UMBOLEN, TONY JAMES (43 years old) -- Inmate Number: 528575Booking Number:24J0663Booked Date/Time:12/20/2024 9:20:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDCARTAGENA, ANGEL FIGUEROA (36 years old) -- Inmate Number: 540005Booking Number:25J0088Booked Date/Time:1/19/2025 1:38:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) SUPERIOR COURT OF SNOHOMISH CO FTA UNLAW POSS OF FIREARM 2ND (Warrant Number: 22-1-01144-31) (OUT CO WARRANT)Bond Information:$5,000.00 Cash Only (Other Court)Sentence Class:IDCASTRO-VAZQUEZ, RICARDO (41 years old) -- Inmate Number: 532236Booking Number:24J1231Booked Date/Time:1/15/2025 8:57:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDCHASTAIN, KEVIN ROBERT (45 years old) -- Inmate Number: 460811Booking Number:25J0051Booked Date/Time:1/10/2025 6:47:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDCLARK, BRIAN TIMOTHY (40 years old) -- Inmate Number: 526245Booking Number:24J2598Booked Date/Time:12/24/2024 9:57:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) WHITMAN CO SUPERIOR COURT FTA FAIL TO REG AS A SEX OFFDR (WARRANT NUMBER: 24-1-00087-38) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$100,000.00 Bond or $10,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:UFCROWE, DAVID RAY (30 years old) -- Inmate Number: 287068Booking Number:24J2505Booked Date/Time:12/10/2024 10:47:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) Firearm Possession Unlawful 1st Degree (9.41.040(1))Sentence Class:SFGoodtime Release Date:5/19/2025 9:15:00 AMDALRYMPLE, CHRISTOPHER JAMES (28 years old) -- Inmate Number: 370732Booking Number:25J0077Booked Date/Time:1/15/2025 1:45:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Forgery (9A.60.020)2) Assault 3rd Degree (9A.36.031)Bond Information:$10,000.00 Bond or $1,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFDENNISON, TIFFANY HOPE (29 years old) -- Inmate Number: 518696Booking Number:23J1653Booked Date/Time:9/6/2023 6:57:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Murder 2nd Degree - ATTEMPT (9A.32.050(1)(a))2) Assault 1st Degree Deadly Weapon/Force (9A.36.011(1)(a))3) Weapon Capable Produce Harm Display (9.41.270(1))Bond Information:$1,000,000.00 Bond (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFENEAS, DAVIS DANTE, SR (33 years old) -- Inmate Number: 337266Booking Number:24J2417Booked Date/Time:11/26/2024 6:45:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) WHITMAN CO SUPERIOR COURT FTA SCH - RAPE 2ND; FTA SCH - RAPE OF A CHILD 3RD; FTA SCH - INCEST 1ST; FTA SCH - INDECENT LIBERTIES (Warrant Number: 24-1-00123-38) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$100,000.00 Bond (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFHIGHTOWER, TRAVIS ANTHONY (46 years old) -- Inmate Number: 333500Booking Number:23J0806Booked Date/Time:11/25/2024 4:54:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) CHILD MOLESTATION 1ST DEGREE (REDUCED CHARGE: ASSAULT 4 W/ SEXUAL MOTIVATION) (9A.44.083)2) CHILD MOLESTATION 1ST DEGREE (REDUCED CHARGE: ASSAULT 4 W/ SEXUAL MOTIVATION) (9A.44.083)3) CHILD MOLESTATION 1ST DEGREE (REDUCED CHARGE: ASSAULT 4 W/ SEXUAL MOTIVATION) (9A.44.083)Sentence Class:SMGoodtime Release Date:6/10/2025 12:15:00 PMKELLER, ROBERT MICHAEL (38 years old) -- Inmate Number: 148595Booking Number:24J2397Booked Date/Time:11/25/2024 12:19:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))2) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 2nd Degree (9.68A.050(2))3) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))4) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 2nd Degree (9.68A.070(2)(a))5) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))6) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))7) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))8) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))9) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))10) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))11) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))12) Deal Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.050(1))13) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))14) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))15) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))16) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))17) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))18) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))19) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))20) Possess Depictions Minors Sex Conduct 1st Degree (9.68A.070(1))Bond Information:$500,000.00 Bond (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFMARMOLEJOS, CESAR AGUSTO, III (38 years old) -- Inmate Number: 414856Booking Number:24J1325Booked Date/Time:7/1/2024 11:52:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Murder 2nd Degree - ATTEMPT (9A.32.050(1)(a))Bond Information:$250,000.00 Bond (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFMARTIN, ELIZABETH ROSEANN (54 years old) -- Inmate Number: 299460Booking Number:24J0327Booked Date/Time:1/3/2025 7:44:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Controlled Substance Knowingly Possess (Drug: methamphetamine) (69.50.4013(1)(a))Sentence Class:SMGoodtime Release Date:2/2/2025 7:30:00 PMMATTOON, PARKER RILEY (19 years old) -- Inmate Number: 535308Booking Number:24J2239Booked Date/Time:1/23/2025 6:58:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) DUI (46.61.502)Sentence Class:SMGoodtime Release Date:1/24/2025 6:45:00 PMMCCALL, CAVAN JAMES (19 years old) -- Inmate Number: 502446Booking Number:25J0018Booked Date/Time:1/6/2025 4:41:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) Rape 2nd Degree Forcible Compulsion (9A.44.050(1)(a))2) Rape 2nd Degree Forcible Compulsion (9A.44.050(1)(a))3) Rape 2nd Degree Forcible Compulsion (9A.44.050(1)(a))4) Rape 2nd Degree Forcible Compulsion (9A.44.050(1)(a))5) Assault 2nd Degree Strangulation (9A.36.021(1)(g))6) Assault 4th Degree - SEX MOTIVATION (9A.36.041(2))Bond Information:$500,000.00 Bond or $50,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFMONTEJANO, MICHAEL JOHN (33 years old) -- Inmate Number: 519216Booking Number:23J1729Booked Date/Time:3/12/2024 10:03:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDRADER, BRANDEN LEO (45 years old) -- Inmate Number: 419353Booking Number:24J1029Booked Date/Time:12/6/2024 11:09:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Assault 4th Degree/DV (9A.36.041(2))2) Assault 4th Degree (9A.36.041(2))3) Assault 2nd Degree Strangulation (9A.36.021(1)(g))Sentence Class:SFGoodtime Release Date:2/4/2025 5:38:00 AMRIVERA GARCIA, OMAR MIGUEL (30 years old) -- Inmate Number: 536537Booking Number:24J1828Booked Date/Time:11/18/2024 7:45:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDRODRIGUEZ, OSCAR TRISTAN (39 years old) -- Inmate Number: 322624Booking Number:24J1725Booked Date/Time:8/30/2024 7:05:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDSALVADOR, EDWARD JAMES (40 years old) -- Inmate Number: 538366Booking Number:24J2082Booked Date/Time:10/17/2024 9:58:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) USMS HOLD (FEDERAL VIOLATION)Bond Information:Held without bail through Federal CourtSentence Class:FEDSEVDY, MICHAEL LOREN (63 years old) -- Inmate Number: 35546Booking Number:24J2491Booked Date/Time:12/9/2024 10:15:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) Whitman County District Court FTA HARASSMENT (Warrant Number: P00221136) (WARRANT)2) Whitman County District Court FTA ANTIHARASS PROT ORD VIO X2 (Warrant Number: P00221203) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$35,000.00 Bond or $3,500.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:UMSPRAY, JACOB ERIK (36 years old) -- Inmate Number: 528413Booking Number:24J0650Booked Date/Time:3/27/2024 7:24:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) Murder 2nd Degree/DV (9A.32.050(1)(a))2) Assault 3rd Degree (9A.36.031)Bond Information:$2,000,000.00 Bond or $200,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFTENZSLEY, ANTONIO CARLOS (34 years old) -- Inmate Number: 314188Booking Number:25J0083Booked Date/Time:1/17/2025 12:00:00 AMAlleged Offenses:1) ASOTIN DISTRICT COURT FTA DV-ASSAULT 4TH (WARRANT NUMBER: 3A0133226) (OUT CO WARRANT)Bond Information:$2,600.00 Cash Only (Other Court)Sentence Class:IDTENZSLEY, ANTONIO CARLOS (34 years old) -- Inmate Number: 314188Booking Number:25J0082Booked Date/Time:1/16/2025 10:41:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) WHITMAN COUNTY DISTRICT COURT FTA CONT. SUB. KNOW POSSES (WARRANT NUMBER: P00241060) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$10,000.00 Bond or $1,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:UMTISCHER, KEVIN PAUL (34 years old) -- Inmate Number: 515815Booking Number:24J1950Booked Date/Time:10/1/2024 10:54:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Firearm Possession Unlawful 1st Degree (9.41.040(1)(a))2) Harassment (9A.46.020(2)(a))Sentence Class:SFGoodtime Release Date:3/10/2025 1:45:00 PMWALKER, COLBY VINCENT (34 years old) -- Inmate Number: 537848Booking Number:24J2626Booked Date/Time:12/30/2024 7:30:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Harassment Court Order Willful Violation (9A.46.040)Bond Information:$250,000.00 Bond or $25,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. Superior)Sentence Class:UFWALKER, COLBY VINCENT (34 years old) -- Inmate Number: 537848Booking Number:24J2614Booked Date/Time:12/28/2024 7:40:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Order Restrict Contact Violation/DV (9A.46.080)Bond Information:$10,000.00 Bond or $1,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:UMWELCH, LUCAS EVERETT (44 years old) -- Inmate Number: 490402Booking Number:24J2158Booked Date/Time:10/25/2024 2:06:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) Protection Order Violation/DV (7.105.450(1))Sentence Class:SMGoodtime Release Date:2/22/2025 11:45:00 AMYOSUF, KHALED MENSUR (21 years old) -- Inmate Number: 503858Booking Number:25J0043Booked Date/Time:1/8/2025 1:57:00 PMAlleged Offenses:1) WCDC DUI FTC; FTC DWLS 1ST; OP VEH WO IGN INT FTC (WARRANT NUMBER: 4A0722017) (WARRANT)2) WCDC FTA NEG DRIVING 1ST (WARRANT NUMBER: 2A0656092) (WARRANT)3) WCDC DUI FTA (WARRANT NUMBER: P00231013) (WARRANT)Bond Information:$500,000.00 Bond or $50,000.00 Cash (Whitman Co. District)Sentence Class:UM